Friday, 20 November 2015

College Essay Tips

What makes an extraordinary college application essay?

An extraordinary essay is a tall order, but it can be done - and not necessarily by students who've done extraordinary things. 

Here's the short list.
1.  Make it acutely, achingly personal.  You're unlikely to say something we haven't already heard about socialism.  You are more likely to have unique perspectives on the treatment of LGBT students in small town America.
2. Aim for genuine emotional originality.  You know those times when you look at the world and wonder how it's possible that people see things so differently than you do?  And that one time you tried to explain yourself to your best friend and he looked ..... continue reading

How important is a college application essay for acceptance in the US? 

There are two parts to the admissions decision.
First and foremost is:  Can this applicant handle the work load, and graduate in four years? continue reading 


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